[Classpathx-javamail] GNU JavaMail - Bug 21615, Patch 6274
Conrad T. Pino
2007-11-26 01:32:27 UTC
I've opened Bug 21615 and Patch 6274 for comment review.

Bug 21615: Successful HEAD Compile - High Warning Count

Patch 6274: Strip HEAD *.java trailing spaces tabs

Thank you in advance,

Conrad Pino
Conrad T. Pino
2007-11-26 18:29:03 UTC
Hello Chris,

The two messages I've received from you since submitting this
thread are somewhat ambiguous, "...do this and submit a patch
against HEAD." and "I have no problem with stripping trailing
whitespace, go ahead."

The ambiguity lies in solicitation of a patch when a patch is
Post by Conrad T. Pino
Bug 21615: Successful HEAD Compile - High Warning Count
Patch 6274: Strip HEAD *.java trailing spaces tabs
Given the trivial nature of the patch and your general approval
of the goal, I'm proceeding to commit the patch directly later

Best regards,

Conrad Pino
Post by Conrad T. Pino
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Burdess
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 00:43
Subject: [bug #21615] Successful HEAD Compile - High Warning Count
Yes, please do this and submit a patch against HEAD.
Message sent via/by Savannah
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Burdess
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 00:39
To: Conrad T. Pino
Subject: Re: Subscription check
Does that also mean you've NOT received prior notice of
https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?21615 or
https://savannah.gnu.org/patch/?6274 ?
I didn't see it, no, but I have no problem with stripping trailing
whitespace, go ahead.
Chris Burdess
-----Original Message-----
Conrad T. Pino
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 17:32
To: GNU JavaMail
Subject: [Classpathx-javamail] GNU JavaMail - Bug 21615, Patch 6274
I've opened Bug 21615 and Patch 6274 for comment review.
Bug 21615: Successful HEAD Compile - High Warning Count
Patch 6274: Strip HEAD *.java trailing spaces tabs
Thank you in advance,
Conrad Pino
Classpathx-javamail mailing list
Chris Burdess
2007-11-27 08:46:43 UTC
Post by Conrad T. Pino
The two messages I've received from you since submitting this
thread are somewhat ambiguous, "...do this and submit a patch
against HEAD." and "I have no problem with stripping trailing
whitespace, go ahead."
The ambiguity lies in solicitation of a patch when a patch is
Post by Conrad T. Pino
Bug 21615: Successful HEAD Compile - High Warning Count
You've attached several files to the bug report but none of them is a
patch file. Patch files enable us to see at a glance what has changed
and what hasn't, and can be applied using the patch command to an
existing directory tree.

If you add the following to your .cvsrc :

cvs -q -z9
diff -uN
update -Pd

so that you get unified diffs, you can do the following in your local

cvs diff >patch

The file "patch" then contains the patch, which can be applied to a tree

patch -p0 <patch
Chris Burdess