[Classpathx-javamail] JavaMail dependencies...
Cedric Hyppolite
2005-11-11 08:32:14 UTC

I would like to use GNU JavaMail and especially the NNTP provider
included with it.
I tried to download the JavaMail package together with GNU JAF and
But either the inetlib version was not compatible with JavaMail
(Logger class or NNTP constructor for example were different) or some
other librairy was necessary (security...)

Do you have a document explaining how to actually make the GNU
JavaMail work: which package which version.

I have seen that the number and level of dependencies of GNU JavaMail
is, for many people, the main factor for not using it and sticking to
the Sun implementation.

Thanks in advance,

Chris Burdess
2005-11-11 09:37:27 UTC
Post by Cedric Hyppolite
I would like to use GNU JavaMail and especially the NNTP provider
included with it.
I tried to download the JavaMail package together with GNU JAF and
But either the inetlib version was not compatible with JavaMail
(Logger class or NNTP constructor for example were different) or some
other librairy was necessary (security...)
Do you have a document explaining how to actually make the GNU
JavaMail work: which package which version.
The INSTALL files of the various packages explain these dependencies.
Post by Cedric Hyppolite
I have seen that the number and level of dependencies of GNU JavaMail
is, for many people, the main factor for not using it and sticking to
the Sun implementation.
The complexity of the dependencies increases dramatically if you are not
using a free JVM (which are all based on GNU Classpath), because
different versions of Sun's JVM include or don't include some of the
necessary libraries, and you may have to jump through hoops to get them
as separate downloads (e.g. JSSE, SASL).

If you are using Classpath then you can just specify glibj.zip as the
source for all these APIs and there shouldn't be a problem. Are there
still problems with the configury (i.e. not locating required classes
which are in the CLASSPATH)? If so let me know and I'll try to sort it
Chris Burdess